Monday, October 15, 2007

Country Mouse Synopsis Day Four

Notes of Importance:
1. Today was the best day yet! Give Country Mouse the outdoors, some cliffs, ocean waves, fresh air, blue skies (even if they're just occasional), green grass, a picnic, an apple tart, wine, sheep, graveyards, coastal roads, stone walls and a bit of rain (the bit part is important) and she is a happy girl.

2. Top day of film shooting with 9 rolls and the day's not over yet folks!

3. No matter how hard you try, you can not get sheep to move where you want them. . . you can take pictures before breakfast, during breakfast, after breakfast, hanging out the window and as you're leaving but still. . . it'll either be raining or the sheep will be too far away. But I still like sheep.

4. Wine. Wine will always make the day better. Even if it's raining and you're drinking it before 11:00 a.m the sun will come out and the rain will dry up. Irish moonshine however cannot be considered good by anyone. (Although I hope Ryan Lemon likes it)

5. What better place in the world could there be to have a picnic of cheese, tomatoes, turkey, bread, Club Pomengranate, and apple pie than the Cliffs of Moher? No where. Even though you're half afraid the whole time that you're going to blow off.

6. I ate a piece of cheese today the size of texas. And half of an apple pie.

7. So when you see a wall of rain coming toward you across the ocean and you're standing on cliffs 640ft. high what do you do? You take more pictures of course!

8. When getting directions from an Irish Man in Friar Tuck's fast food joint, make sure he knows which church you need directions from and what side of the church you're located on or you might end up in Lissycassie instead of at your Bed and Breakfast. And your Bed and Breakfast lady might not like you very well if you show up at 9:30 p.m.

9. We have seen two rainbows on our trip. One on the way to the airport and one today at the Cliffs of Moher. So awesome. Had to decide between taking 20 more pictures of the cliffs or turning around and taking some of the rainbow. Doesn't that imply something about a pot of gold?

10. Bernard. Nice man. Again, we could not find the bed and breakfast and he drove to find us and lead us in. Of course, no regular person could find his bed and breakfast with the directions given us- only an Irishman could. Because once again I will point out that the Irish do not believe in road signs.

Now we're off to try the Guiness again- but with some black currant syrup. Hope all of you are well. Country Mouse.


swiggy57 said...

Glad to see you're having an experience of a lifetime...Thanks for sharing and the smiles...
Take Care..Be Happy Deb

Gabe said...

OK, so I feel for you and can experience your nostalgia for film through your writing. BUT, in a multimedia world, I'm just feeling overall left out of this Ireland experience. Where are the pictures? Where is the video? How am I to live vicariously through you without some imagery?

I was pretty much OK until you started talking about pictures without sharing them. Don't you know that's expected these days?


your frustrated blog reader who feels left out

The Mice said...

Oh my dear friend Gabe- come visit (after a week or so) and I will be sure to leaf through the albums with you! Nicole has some digital ones that I think she'll add. . . Summer